Exotropia: Vision Therapy, Surgery or Lenses?


What is Exotropia?


Exotropia, commonly called wandering eye or wall-eye or cross-eyes, is the visual condition in which a person uses only one eye to look at an object while the other eye turns outward. Exotropia is one of several types of strabismus, a condition resulting in eye turns or deviating eyes. Eye coordination may not be developed enough to provide normal control of the person's binocular vision.


Functional treatment and cosmetic treatment of exotropia


Treatment for esotropia should be both cosmetic (making the eyes look more straight) and functional, meaning making the eyes function properly as a team - this is called binocular vision and results in stereo vision or three demensional depth perception..


Our two eyes work together as a binocular system. When our two eyes work together well, we can easily and efficiently measure the location of objects in relation to ourselves. Binocular vision makes it easier for us to ride a bicycle, drive a car, or direct many other daily activities.


An eye that wanders is much more than just an appearance problem. For example, reading demands accurate binocular vision. When a person's eyes do not aim at the same place accurately and simultaneously, he or she will have much more difficulty with large amounts of reading, writing, and other close work.


Treatment of Exotropia using vision therapy, lenses, patching or surgery


Treatments fo exotropia involve the use of lenses and vision therapy. Sometimes surgery is required. Patching may also work in some cases. Patching one eye may make the patient more aware of the eye that is misused, leading to gradual correction of the eye turn.


Vision therapy for exotropia


Our doctors thoroughly evaluate exotrpia and provide treatment options, including non-surgical vision therapy or a referral to a surgeon if it is warranted. Exotropia is the easiest type of strabismus to treat with vision therapy, saving the patient from the risks and uncertainties associated with strabismus surgery and the liklihood of repeat surgeries.




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